画了一个, BS Psychology
“这个罐子代表着不断地走出我的舒适区——住在缅因州, 留学中国, taking on challenging school work, encouraging healing in myself and others, and pursuing new projects at my job. 勇气意味着不断地保持对充满欢乐的生活的忠诚."
瑞秋, BA Psychology
"I love both exploring the world, and exploring all of what I am capable of, whether that be academically, 身体上的, 或精神上. 在美高梅许多有爱心的教师的支持下, 我被教导要勇敢地提出我想要答案的重大问题."
林赛, BA Communication Studies
“这是我在姐姐因癌症去世一年后创作的《美高梅》. 它代表了我为自己的生活设定的目标,有些是给我自己的,有些是给艾米丽的. As I look into the unknown of the future, 这本书让我想起了一个小女孩,她被姐姐的信仰所鼓舞,与癌症作斗争."
劳拉, MA School 咨询
“我的身体、精神和情感力量都可以通过我的跑鞋体现出来. Being a school counselor requires the courage to speak up when something is not right; children’s lives depend on this. 东方帮助我走出了自己的舒适区,为我未来的职业生涯做准备."
马特, PhD Organizational Leadership
"My family is the center of my life. 我想完成我的学位,不仅是为了成为一个更好的商业专业人士, 同时也向我的孩子们证明,生活是一个不断学习和个人成长的过程. I hope my journey provides an example."
约旦, BA Criminal Justice
“勇气是决定比昨天的自己做得更好。. In the criminal justice program, I have the courage to meet new people, excel at the highest level, and be engaged in new opportunities. 我的信仰指引并支持我所做的每一个决定."
Marquita, MS Nonprofit Management
"I currently serve as the Sr. 一家在11个城市设有办事处的非营利组织的运营总监. 美高梅与其他地方组织合作,与生活贫困的人和往往处于社会边缘的人一起服务,并赋予他们权力. I believe in using my voice."
亚历克斯, BS Exercise Science
"I knew that it would be a great challenge and take courage to pursue my dream in exercise science; the same can be said for being a dual sport athlete. 我努力在课堂上和在球场上保持同样的职业道德."
Mital, MS Health 服务s Management
“作为一名国际学生,勇气在我的学习中对我处理文化变化帮助很大. The education system is different; to keep up with change I needed lot of hard work, patience and courage. 在东方,我学会了如何成为一个无所畏惧的人,并相信自己."
萨曼莎, BA Psychology & 跳舞
"As a blind student who wanted to study dance, 获得学位意味着做一些别人认为不可思议的事情. 我的勇气主要来自一位东方教授. 我的双学位给了我未来想做的事情背后的知识——为视力受损或失明的舞者开办一个项目."