Amy DA ’18, Marriage and Family Therapy Studies
Therapist. Growth catalyst. 信仰-filled connector.
How does the prop you brought represent you?
Flowers represent growth in my life and the life of my clients, especially when they “bloom”…such a great metaphor for our lives.
How would you describe courage in one sentence?
Courage is being afraid and doing it anyway. It means pressing into discomfort, knowing that it will lead to more connection or greater fulfillment.
How did getting your degree require courage?
I wasn’t sure where things would lead post graduation (and still don’t completely!), and I had to do a lot of planning and hard work to make it happen.
How does your current job or career path require courage?
I can only guide clients to places I’ve also explored. So, exploring all aspects of my life and discovering new things about myself or my life (which are not always pleasant) takes courage.
Where do you hope courage will lead you in the future?
There’s a ton of possibility! 再一次。, I think the hardest part is following the path that our gut and insides are shouting “this is the direction!” I have absolutely no doubt that God will continue to unveil the way that leads to most life for myself and others, but I pray I have the courage and discipline to walk into that path. A quote about vocation is popping into my head from when I was first starting graduate school, where we learned that our vocation is where our passion and talents meet the needs of the world. My vocation is continuing to reveal itself as I courageously take steps, even in shaking boots, in that direction.