东部大学 is a nationally-recognized Christian university enrolling approximately 7,000名学生在各种各样的本科, 研究生, 专业, 以及神学院课程. 这所大学的主校区位于圣路易斯市. Davids, PA, with many programs also offered online. Eastern’s core values of 信仰,原因, 和正义 are woven into all of its educational offerings. 通过动态程序, 充满活力的校园社区, 以及有意义的服务学习机会, 东部大学 is committed to providing students with transformative, 可访问的, 以及负担得起的教育.

信仰,原因, & 正义

Eastern alumni are living with courage in a wide variety of fields, empowered by an education rooted in our core values: 信仰,原因, 和正义. 


Our picturesque main campus is repeatedly celebrated for its beauty. 访问东方虚拟通过美高梅的 校园游览视频 来自世界各地.

专业 & 项目

探索美高梅的伙伴, 学士, 硕士, 博士, 以及认证项目, 以及美高梅种类繁多的 在线课程.

大学 & 学校

艺术与人文学院: 东部大学's College of Arts and Humanities (CAH) houses majors and minors in the humanities and performing arts. 

商业与领导学院: 东部大学's College of Business and 领导 (CBL) brings together carefully designed educational offerings from the disciplines of business, 领导, 和宣传. 

教育学院 & 行为科学: 东部大学's College 的教育 is one of the leading private university Education programs in the state of Pennsylvania. It offers a diverse array of under研究生, 研究生, 以及认证项目. 

健康与科学学院: 东部大学's College of Health and Sciences (CHS) equips students with the knowledge, 有意义的职业所需的技能和能力, advanced 专业 training and active roles in local and global communities through social services and healthcare professions. 

邓普顿荣誉学院: The 坦普尔顿荣誉学院 offers 研究生-style under研究生 education for the most academically-gifted students.

帕尔默神学院: 帕尔默神学院 provides theological education for all types of ministry that seek to present the whole gospel, 献给全世界, 通过整个人. 

埃斯佩兰萨大学埃斯佩兰萨大学 is Eastern’s junior college which operates in partnership with Nueva Esperanza, 公司. and aims to serve the Latino community in Philadelphia, PA.


St. 大卫的爸爸: Our scenic 114-acre suburban main campus is just west of Philadelphia, PA, 提供本科, 研究生, 和帕尔默神学院的课程.

费城,宾夕法尼亚州。 东方航空有更多的地点 城市大道 在费城北部 埃斯佩兰萨大学.

里普利,西弗吉尼亚州: 帕尔默神学院提供 神学硕士 在这里.

*Eastern also holds additional instructional sites at numerous suburban and international locations.



  • 日历: A two-semester academic year, Fall and Spring, with two summer sessions. Online and 研究生 programs are offered throughout the calendar year.
  • 学术课程和学位: 文学副学士, 文学学士, 理学学士, 社会工作学士, 护理学学士学位, 文学硕士, 工商管理硕士, 教育学硕士, 理学硕士, 护理学硕士, 社会工作硕士, 神学研究硕士, 哲学博士, 文学博士, 部长博士.
  • 出国留学: 机会 包括 牛津大学, St大学. 安德鲁斯, student teaching, and a wide array of other programs.
  • 美高梅提供许多 在线和混合在线课程.


  • 专任教师123人(各学院)
  • 87% hold earned doctorates or highest 专业 degrees
  • 超过300种学院出版物


校友 and 教师 of 东部大学 have received the MacArthur Foundation Award, 奥拉夫·帕尔马国际正义奖, PBS纪录片地区艾美奖, 和林德巴克卓越教学奖. 查看最近的国家荣誉和认可.


美高梅是由 中部州高等教育委员会.
了解更多 and view our Professional 认证评估.


  • Surveys like the 学生 Satisfaction Inventory are administered annually to ensure continual improvement of student services.
  • Under研究生 retention rate of 78% (full-time traditional students)


  • Average high school GPA for entering first-time full-time traditional under研究生 students = 3.58 (基于报告数据的学生)


  • 国际和多民族招生: 47.4%的本科生(包括埃斯佩兰萨).

美高梅mgm平台: The 东鹰s compete in 22 men's and women's NCAA第三赛区 的运动 中大西洋会议, 包括篮球, 越野, 曲棍球, 高尔夫球, 长曲棍球, 足球, 棒球, 垒球, 网球, 田径, 排球, 和足球. Eastern also sponsors competitive esports and has a cheer team and dance squad. 参观 体育网站 了解更多.

美高梅的历史: Eastern was founded in 1925 as Eastern Baptist Theological 神学院. The collegiate division began in 1932 and was chartered as a 4-year college in 1952. The college became Eastern College in 1972 and 东部大学 in 2001. 神学院被重新命名 帕尔默神学院 in 2005. 了解更多.

活动及事工: Eastern provides a wide array of opportunities for student enrichment and service, including 人类家园, touring drama and choir groups, prison ministry, homeless ministry, U.S. 还有海外宣教旅行,还有 领导力研究员计划. 了解更多关于 学生生活.

设施 & 图书馆


  • Harold C. 霍华德中心/华纳纪念图书馆:  美高梅收集了135个,000 physical books and media has been rated "A" for size according to the Association of College and Research Libraries.
  • 超过42,000 periodical titles in paper and electronic format throughout our databases and over 160 databases for research.  美高梅有超过67.5万本电子书. 美高梅还保存了大约82个,000个视频记录, primarily streaming but also some in physical format.
  • Over 75 million books available through Interlibrary Loan options and Open Access tools. The library is a member of cooperatives: The Tri-State College 图书馆 Cooperative (TCLC); the Partnership for Academic 图书馆 Collaboration & Innovation, 公司 (PALCI); and the Southeast Pennsylvania Theological 图书馆 Association (SEPTLA). 

St. 大卫的设施

  • 8 .学术和行政大楼
  • The Bradstreet Observatory and Julia Fowler Planetarium
  • Residential: 8 residence halls that can house up to 944 students on campus
  • 运动:体育馆, 网球场, 池, 多功能棒球场, 垒球场, 草皮足球/长曲棍球和练习场地
经济援助、学费 & 奖助金


96% of students receive academic and need-based 奖学金 and grants. 了解更多有关 财政援助办事处.



  • 巴拿巴基金会
  • Comloquoy慈善基金会
  • EAPE王国工程有限公司.
  • 伊甸慈善基金
  • HBE基金会
  • 休斯顿的基础
  • 斯图尔特休斯顿慈善信托基金
  • 美国国立卫生研究院
  • 国家科学基金会
  • PA教育部
  • PA高等教育基金会
  • 索迪斯万豪服务有限公司.
  • W.W. 史密斯慈善信托基金
  • U.S. 部门. 的教育
领导 & 治理

椅子: Mr. 史蒂夫·克莱门斯,91年

总统: Dr. 罗纳德。一个. 马修斯